For over 65 years, Rosas Don Eloy has contributed to the development of flower consumption, specializing in roses and becoming a style reference. The natural richness of Colombian territory and its biodiversity are fundamental factors for the quality of our roses.
Aware that the future of rose production is linked to environmental health, Rosas Don Eloy seeks to give back to the land. Climate change represents a threat to the amount of fertile land available to flower producers, increasing the risk of pests and diseases.
For this reason, Rosas Don Eloy joins initiatives and communications to promote the cause that moves humanity: to conserve and care for the planet we inhabit and continue enjoying its wonderful gifts, such as flowers.
In this way, Rosas Don Eloy involves all consumers, fostering a closer relationship with the roses we plant and harvest in Colombian soils. Our commitment is to ensure the highest freshness and beauty, offering superior quality for the enjoyment of the local consumer.