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Alstroemeria Plan

Upon acquiring this plan, you will receive a bi-weekly arrangement crafted in the most exotic colors and varieties of alstroemerias, presented in different types of vases on loan throughout the contracted period.

Each alstroemeria arrangement will be the perfect touch of elegance and freshness that will completely transform your space.

Spring Plan

With this plan, you will receive a pre-made flower arrangement on loan featuring a variety of flowers such as alstroemerias, roses, birds of paradise, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, and calla lilies.

Every 10 days, you will enjoy a new combination of colors and textures that will adorn your spaces. Experience the joy of the Spring Plan in your home!

Life through Flowers

Be the author of your own floral arrangements.

Experiment with flowers at home. With each delivery, you will receive a bouquet of different floral species, allowing you to create your own arrangements according to your taste and personal style